Mawiomi Grounds

Gesgapegiag is one of two First Nations reserves on the south shore of the Gaspésie, most of whom are of Mi’kmaq ancestry. Most of the members reside on the federal Indian reserve that was set aside by the legislature of Lower Canada in 1853, for the exclusive use of the majority of Mi’kmaq in this region. The remaining Mi’kmaq live off-reserve in the eastern United Statesand across Canada, but stay connected to the community through modern communications and travel to. All community members, regardless of residence, participate in democratic elections held every two years to elect one Chief and eight Councillors in accordance with Canada’s Indian ActElection Regulations. The community is also allied to other Mi’kmaq communities in the Gaspé region of Quebec and in northern New Brunswick. Together, their elected Chiefs advance ancestral claims to self-government and to the traditional territory called Gespe’gewa’gi (‘Kespékewáki), the last land.